Monday, September 2, 2024

An old one comes back for a re-fresh

Going along with the last post, this frame was made about the time the Boulder dad was racing. I think it is a 1994 team issue TIG SL custom order. I did a run of about 27 of these and most of them were stock sizes- this one was not. It also had beefier tubing for the large rider who told me: "Build it strong" . I get the feeling that he had broken a few bikes in his day. He never broke this one. 
It came in for a new der. hanger and a seatpost binder repair. I was able to do both pretty quickly once I got around to doing it. Getting around to doing it was not quick, however. Still, it will be re-painted and Hopefully back to the customer in time for the CX season. 


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