Wednesday, February 18, 2009


There seems to be a trend right now....the British " Path Racer' of the '50s and '60s is making a comeback , possibly in the wake of the general fixed gear frenzy of the last few years. A Path Racer is a fixed gear bicycle that has a longer wheelbase for long road use and fittings for fenders, a novel concept but sensible when one thinks of winter fixed gear training that is a tradition in the U.K. and here in the U.S. in some areas.
This frame and fork will eventually wind up in Boise, Idaho and supposedly get used in alley-cat events and be a general commute bike. I'm hoping that some of the little extra touches I have done bring a smile to the future owner. It's a special bike going to a special cyclist.


Sabrosa Cycles said...

Gorgeous frame. I really dig the fluted tubes. How long have those been hanging around the shop?

swiggco world said...

I got those from Steve Garro about 3-4 years ago but i guess their date of manufacture is around 1994-96. I remember seeing that stuff listed at nova for around $ 30 a tube and thought " Dang, that's a lot of money for a tube...." It was cool to luck into those tubes at a good deal. Steve said that he off-loaded all the tubes awhile ago. I wonder who got the rest of them.....