I am in the midst of the first aluminum batch of 2025. I hope to be done with this run of 10-11 frames in 2 weeks. This one is the sixth, a single speed. If one wanted, it could be run with a wireless 1X shifting system as the dropout can take a hanger for a rear der.

For those of you wondering if the UDH is available in aluminum.....it is not and I have no idea if it ever will be. For me to personally bankroll the development of an aluminum 7005 dropout would be unlikely as the cost would be significant and I am already leveraged with a big inventory of aluminum dropouts of the more traditional kind. The other factor in my reluctance to fund an aluminum UDH is the likelyhood that the industry would come up with something different that would replace the UDH and I would be stuck with obsolete inventory- enough money spent on stuff that becomes unusable and boom-you are broke. That would not make anyone happy......I have seen it happen to many talented builders- they get leveraged by buying big on stuff that winds up not being useable and they have not enough money to buy what they really need- like paying rent and buying brazing and/or welding supplies.

So for now and maybe for a long time to come, this is how my aluminum frames will look- no UDH but still the kind of frame that you can depend on to ride at any level of the sport.