Monday, March 24, 2025

Steel UDH gravel frame for Seattle

 This is the second UDH gravel frame I have built so far. This one is made for 700x45 tires and has rack mounts on the back. 

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Ireland trip

Just flew back from Dublin and boy are my arms tired. I'll be in the shop next week after nearly two weeks off. It was really good to get away from the shop and the normal day-to-day can't really appreciate what you have until you get a bit of distance from it , at least that's how I see it. Here are a few of the photos I shot from our trip. We went to Westport , Connemara and Dublin. Mostly motored and hiked around these areas. Below is a photo of the typical wetlands and bogs we saw. You can't swing a dead bicycle frame here without hitting a bog. We were immensely lucky to have friends hosting us for four nights and driving us all over the west of the emerald isle. We were also fortunate to have hardly any rain the whole trip-I think that leaving the bikes at home were the biggest factor in the weather being good for riding- always seems to go that way.
Would I recommend Ireland as a vacation spot ? yes. Friendly people and beautiful countryside and affordable meals and lodging , along with the English language being spoken make Ireland an easy place for Americans to have an easier go of it in a European travel destination. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Steel track frame and fork going to Japan

Yes- this one is going to the other side of the world. The shop that ordered this oe had a cad drawing and very specific instructions. Apparently  imported frames must have the ability to mount brakes so that's why you see a hole in the fork and a brake bridge on a frame that otherwise would not have one.

The fork is a straight blade with NOS Shimano dropouts. The frame has NOS Sub-11 dropouts -my very last set. I have other track dropouts but these are the best to work with for a welded frame. They are also pretty much indestructible. Frame weight is 4 lb. 2 oz.

Vacation coming

 Yes- that rarest of things-time off will be starting on March 11th. I will be out of the country until March 21st. Shop will be closed and there won't be any shipping or the like while I am gone. I will have email access while I am on my trip and will be checking it most days. 

Cheers, Paul.

WCCX frame going to new team member in Sacramento, Calif.

 This rider has been battling in the single speed class and has joined the team as of last fall. Now he will have a team bike to thrash at the CX races up in his area that are much more numerous than in the Santa Cruz county area. This frame is paired to an Enve fork that the rider supplied. he had it painted to match by our local paint shop- Joe's bicycle painting in Watsonville, Calif.

WCCX frame going to Napa, Calif.

This one is going to a shop in Napa- the Hub cyclery. An employee will be flying the seafoam colors at the next CX races this fall. Don't be surprised if you see some gold skinsuits out there ........

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Steel 'Adventure' frame with Enve adventure fork for portland

 This customer really captured the spirit of the late '80's in the paint request. I can remember when I was just starting my business that fades were what just about everyone wanted - and here, nearly 40 years later the style is coming back. 

The frame is heading to Portland where it does rain quite a bit. There are fender mounts on the frame and fork for full fenders. The Enve adventure fork also has triple cage mounts on it so there won't be a problem carrying water- as a matter of fact there's a total of five bottle mounts on this frame and fork.