Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Big tire steel gravel frame going to Canada

This cyclist was very specific about what he wanted- slack head angle and room for really big tires. This isn't a formula I would have come up for a bike like this but this customer is willing to roll the dice on this idea. Many times I have been surprised how well some of these plans turn out to be great bikes. I hope that will be the case for this one.
The rear brake is post mount - not something I have put on a drop bar frame in a few years as now they are all flat mount. This rider has plenty of post mount brakes so that's what he will use on this frame. He will use an adaptor on the fork- might be a bit more complicated but it will definitely save him from having to buy new brake calipers.
One more current spec is the dropper post routing. I figure that about one in fifteen gravel frames are done this way in my shop but that number is probably going to go up in the coming years as the dropper gets more popular. 

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