Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Two 'cross frames for Iowa City

 These two frames are both bound for Iowa City, Ia. I'm not sure when the last time I sent a frame to Iowa but now there's two in fairly rapid succession. This one is a level top tube 7005 aluminum 'cross frame wthat will also see a lot of duty on the massive network of gravel roads in the region.
 This stout frame weighs in at a hair less than 3 lbs. and should be up to the task.

 This next one is a disc brake version with a pretty fancy paint job from Allan Neymark.The fork was painted to match but didn't get into these photos. I put up a photo on the Rock Lobster facebook page of the frame with the fork.
 Yes, this is another jen Green headbadge, this time a copper/sterling mix. It should age nicely.

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