Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tall S-3 road frame for Bay Area

 This is a big one. It has a bit of a headtube extention and a BB-30 shell. The tubeset is pretty light for a frame this size but I have a couple of others out there that are larger and have gotten some really good ride reports. My own track frame is this tubeset except for the chainstays and I ride it every week with a smile on my face. You can stomp on the pedals and it just goes. Let's hear it for modern steel !
 The photos don't really show how nice the metallic blue came out. I am amazed at how smooth a powdercoat can be when it is done right. Of course, all of my frames have a wet clear coat over the powder but this frame looked really good before the clear went on.
There's some Columbus in  the rear stays......a nice mix with the S-3. It's all light but it's all pretty stiff as well. I don't think a frame like this could have been built 20 years ago with the tubing of the time.

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