Friday, December 23, 2011

Shredding the gnar with retroshift

Behold, the retro shift. I guess after riding it on the trails here there's good attributes and maybe a little bit of funkyness. The shifters are simple and durable and very straightforward to use. My only complaint is trying to hit a low gear requires some added body english that I'm not super keen on-kind of an awkward move for a clutz like me. Appearantly it isn't too awkward for Erik Tonkin who sports a pair of these on his bike.
Behold, the gnar.....err....Monterey bay. I couldn't get a photo of the real gnar as I was too busy shredding.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul, glad you are getting on with the shifters.

    1. Tonkin probably does. Of have an issue as he never uses the lowest gear (he is too busy going fast : )

    2. The use of bar-end instead of downtube shifters is actually preferable for this reason as they have a slight bend in them that makes that last click easier.


