Tuesday, June 9, 2009

framebuilders dinner

I know this is off-topic but really, food is never off topic, unless of course you are a breath-arian or dead. What we have here is paparadelle with asparagus , prociutto and shallots. The tin is full of reggiano and the wine is from Howell Mountain, a zin. It all was great, especially after a 5 1/2 hour ride with a zillion feet of climbing. The bottle with the cork in it was Rolf Binder shiraz-grenach, left over from the night before.....ahh, Barossa ! Maybe eating in the livingroom in front of the t.v. is tacky for you , but not for us when its "The Wire".


  1. using a cork to seal the screwcap bottle = nice touch. dinner looks good....

  2. Dang, good eye ! I totally forgot that the Aussie wine was a screwcap. Goes to show, you can still get traditional if you are not paying attention....easy to do when the wine is 14-15 % alcohol.

  3. i've had a dinner cooked by Paul which looked really similar and was AWESOME. i think it had ham & peas? the bottles of wine blur my recolection........Steve.
